Disney Mascots
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About Us

Our mission is to provide a memorable experience.

About Me
Hello. I am a mouse that you recognize. My mouse friend and I try our best to bring a smile and hope we can be part of your special day.  My mouse friend and I have children of our own and only want the best for them.  We first came up with the idea of building this experience and replicating the wonders any child has of Disney.  We loved Disney so much that we thought it would be great to warm that special child up to the mouse that taught us to believe and imagine.

My Philosophy
We believe that all children deserve love, attention, and nurturing.  Our Mascots bring that attention that children do not experience every day.  Our Mascots do not speak but use motion and gestures to communicate.  This is partly to keep the mystery alive.  A moderator will be on premises to help our Mascots be coordinated and after all, it gets quite hot inside those suits.

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